September 16, 2020
AgencyDoes Flood Insurance Cover Hurricane Damage?
The eastern seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico are still in the midst of their hurricane seasons. Here in Florida, we know exactly how devastating hurricanes can be, and one of the most widespread and prevalent causes of damage is flooding. Storm surge, heavy rain and high wind can all combine to cause pervasive flooding, […]
August 27, 2020
AgencySurge Of Cyclists In Florida
Due to the pandemic, there has been a surge of cyclists in Florida. Our State already has a high rate of fatal bicycle accidents. This may rise further due to increase in activity and careless drivers. Your own auto policy is there to cover you if you are in an incident. Please CONTACT US […]
June 24, 2020
AgencyTips for Being a Responsible Pet Owner!
In honor of Responsible Pet Owners month, we want to share a few tips for being a pet owner! Do your research. Purchasing a pet should not be an in-the-moment decision. Researching and finding the best pet for your lifestyle is critical.If you have children be sure to look into breeds that comfortable around them. Read […]
June 24, 2020
AgencyTips to Handle Stress
Stress may lead to many health problems such as depression, heart disease, anxiety, high blood pressure, or even stroke. Here are some ways to de-stress and keep yourself healthy, according to the American Heart Association: Make a list. Making a list of the things you need to prioritize throughout the day may help you feel less overwhelmed. Try […]