3 Simple Ways to Prevent Your Car from Being Stolen
In 2012, there were over 720,000 auto thefts within the United States. Car thieves make a lot of money stealing cars, so their incentive to do so will continue.
Regardless if your car is new or old, you don’t want your car to be stolen. This could potentially increase the cost of your auto insurance. Here are three simple tips to help prevent your car from being stolen.
Safety Tip #1: Invest in an anti-theft device.
Car thieves look for easy access when it comes to taking cars. They don’t want to be bothered by cars that require a lot of work to steal. Anti-theft devices require car thieves to work harder to steal your car. As a result, these devices are great deterrents. You don’t have to have a top-of-the-line anti-theft device, but you do need something to discourage car thieves.
Safety Tip #2: Purchase technology-laden cars.
These days technology advancements make life much easier. Car manufacturers are incorporating more technology to lure consumers into choosing their cars over their competitor’s and the concept is working. Another benefit to having a technology-laden car is the fact that these cars are easily traceable, which helps deter car thieves. Although technology packages add more to your car’s sticker price, it may be worth it when you compare the cost of the package to replacing a car or filing a stolen car claim.
Safety Tip #3: Don’t hide a spare set of keys
Everyone is familiar with the idea of a spare key hidden on or around cars, even car thieves. By placing a spare key in or around your car, you make it easier for thieves to take your car. In all honesty, it’s much easier to simply pay a locksmith to unlock your car than to give a thief easy access to your car. You should never hide a spare key on or around your car.
You’ve worked hard to purchase the car you want, so it makes sense to protect it. It doesn’t take much to outsmart a car thief. By taking a few sensible measures, you can reduce the chances that your car will be stolen.
Is your car safe? Call Ramey Insurance Agency at (941) 497-2468 for more information on auto insurance.
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